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Free Speech Day

Conduct Guidelines and Event Procedures

Free speech is a fundamental protection of the US Constitution. Free Speech Day is recognized

on January 30, 2025 as a celebration of this fundamental right.

In appreciation and celebration of our right to free speech, all are welcome to attend the Free

Speech Forum on January 30, 7:00 pm at the Friday Harbor Grange Hall.

Mechanics of the event:

  • The Free Speech Forum begins at 7pm, January 30, at the Friday Harbor Grange Hall.

  • Those who wish to speak for 3 minutes must sign up when they arrive, or at any time during the Forum

  • At 7pm the list of those wishing to speak will be “randomized” with the help of an old-school bingo ball machine. Speaking begins after the randomized bingo ball list is completed.

  • If people sign up to speak after 7pm, those names will be periodically randomized, and added to the end of the list.

  • Speakers are asked to be respectful of the three-minute time limit to speak. If an individual refuses to yield the floor after their three minutes have expired, their microphone will be turned off; further refusal to yield the floor will have them escorted from the speaking area by students of Rennik’s Taekwondo School.

  • Audience members are asked to be respectful towards the speaker. Failure to do so will result in a gentle reminder of the rules; further disrespectfulness will result in an escort out of the Forum by a Taekwondo student for a seven-minute “time-out,” or until two speakers have finished, whichever is longer.



  • Each person has three minutes to speak.

  • The speaker has the microphone, and attention of the room, share their opinion or viewpoint about anything. This is why it is called “Free Speech.”

  • Spoken words should be chosen with consideration and thoughtfulness. While speaking to your topic, please consider your words could defame, insult, or ridicule; this is not the intent of the Free Speech Forum. Such words could potentially cause harm or cause emotional pain to others, and could also put the speaker into a position of malice or defamation.

  • Individuals shall only speak once, and should only speak to their own opinion or perspective.

  • People can represent themselves or an organization. Please be aware:

  1. Individuals should have permission or authority if speaking for a group or organization.

  2. Shifting from individual thoughts and then to a group’s perspective (or visa-versa) can be confusing without acknowledging the change of perspective.

  • When speaking about groups or organizations, please remember these are comprised of individuals, and it is considerate to speak as if those individuals are in the room.

  1. Choose words carefully so as to not defame, insult, or ridicule those involved with the group or organization.

  2. Stick to personal feelings about ramifications caused by this group or organization.

  3. Pose thoughtful questions to be considered by the listening audience, and by members of the group or organization.

Definitions to consider, sourced from Google:

Freedom of speech is the right to articulate opinions and ideas without interference, retaliation or

punishment from the government. The term “speech” is interpreted broadly and includes spoken

and written words as well as symbolic speech (e.g., what a person wears, reads, performs,

protests, and more).

noun: freedom of speech; plural noun: freedoms of speech

1. the right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint.

"the move would further harm freedom of speech in the region"

noun: censorship

1. the suppression or prohibition of any parts of books, films, news, etc. that are

considered obscene, politically unacceptable, or a threat to security.

"the regulation imposes censorship on all media"

noun: restraint; plural noun: restraints

1. a measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control or within limits.

"decisions are made within the financial restraints of the budget"

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